version 17.10.15
fixing bug in people list
version 17.01.23
now serving via HTTPS
version 16.08.13
moved save button
version 14.12.18
fixing rare issue with keeping surplus
SplitBill Logo


About SplitBill

Want to find out more about SplitBill?

SplitBill is the tool to help you and your friends, colleagues or whomever to disentangle the billing of your last common holidays, the last BBQ, your group's christmas party or whatsoever.

Simply enter the names of all participants and all items bought for the occasion and SplitBill will do the rest for you.

See the examples tab for more details on how to fill in your data.

If you have any questions, remarks, criticism or compliments, feel free to drop an email to:



Fill in all the information about people taking part in and item bought for this SplitBill.

Typically it is best to add all persons before adding items to the shopping list.
To delete a person or an item, just remove its name/description and press enter.
Set the person who bought an item in the detailed table after you added the item.
Hover over text fields and buttons to see the context help.

Basic information
Name of the SplitBill Currency Donation
Add people (add deposits later)
Name Deposit Weight
Add items (choose buyer later)
Description Price Weight  
Modify the details of your SplitBill
Overview on
people and items

Final SplitBill

Final accounting and some detailed billing information.

Please remember to spread the word about SplitBill.Mehlhase.Info! Thanks!


Find some examples on how to use SplitBill!

Simple shopping list

Peter, Paul and Mary went out for a picnic. Peter paid € 54.23 for gas, Paul € 19.34 for food and Mary bought sweets for € 5.47.

More advanced shopping list

Peter, Paul and Mary went out for a picnic. Peter paid € 54.23 for gas, Paul € 19.34 for food and Mary bought sweets for € 5.47 only for Paul and herself.

Birthday discount

Peter, Paul and Mary went out for a picnic. Peter paid € 54.23 for gas, Paul € 19.34 for food and Mary bought sweets for € 5.47. As it was Mary's birthday, she only had to pay half of what the others had to pay.

Healthy birthday discount

Peter, Paul and Mary went out for a picnic. Peter paid € 54.23 for gas, Paul € 19.34 for food and Mary bought sweets for € 5.47. As it was Mary's birthday, she only had to pay half of what the others had to pay, except for the sweets.

A box of beer

Peter, Paul, Mary and John went out to share a box of beer that John bought for € 17.78. John himself drank five bottles, Mary had six, Paul two and Peter seven..

Two couples, each a child

Two couples, each paying their bills from a family bank account and both having a child (though of different age, paying different fractions) hold a BBQ and the kids and one mother are having ice cream. The calculation sums up the balance of each familiy member to one total number. Simply give each person in a group/family the same group name..


I am doing my best in writing this tool, but neither do I take any responsibility for the correctness of the performed calculations nor do I guarantee any availability of the tool and the SplitBills. Your data is considered confidential and not given to any third parties. Use this tool at your own risk!

© 2008 - 2025 Sascha Mehlhase

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